
My Blog

A full stack Next.js application that uses the Last.FM API to show users snapshots of their listening habits. This project uses OpenAI's 4o mini model to generate information about a user's listening history on for the last 7 days. This is my main project that I am working on, and I am currently in the process of adding more features to the site.


Project SkillsProject SkillsProject SkillsProject SkillsProject Skills

Project SkillsProject SkillsProject SkillsProject SkillsProject SkillsProject Skills

Fake News Detection

A project where I am working on scraping truthfulness of comments and news relating to political figures and analyzing the data to determine the truthfulness of the news. I am currently in the web scraping phase of the project, and will need large amounts of data prior to training the model. I plan to use Tensorflow for model training, althought this may change as my familiarity with machine learning increases.

Fall 2024 - Present

Project Skills


For wheelchair users, it can be hard to see what's behind the chair, especially when backing up or turning, which can be dangerous because there is a high potential to hit an object or person. The aim of this project is to solve that problem by creating a low-cost device that can detect obstacles and warn the wheelchair user so they don't hit objects or people. A future goal is to test this out with other wheelchair users

Fall 2021

Project Skills

Project Skills